BBC - Channel 4 TV - ITN - ITV - S4C - Five  - Teletext 



La ministra alla Cultura britannica Tessa Jowell  ha presentato in Parlamento il Libro Verde sulla revisione della Royal Charter in vista del rinnovo, il prossimo anno, fino al 2016. L'intento è quello di rendere la BBC più forte ed indipendente (2 marzo 2005)


As usual, the BBC has got what it wants—for now da

Come al solito la BBC ha ottenuto ciò che vuole da



Royal Charter for the continuance of The British Broadcasting Corporation

Agreement Dated the 25th Day of January 1996 Between Her Majesty’s Secretary of State for National Heritage and the British Broadcasting Corporation

The Amendment dated 4th December 2003 to the Agreement of 25th Day of January 1996 (as amended) Between Her Majesty’s Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport and the British Broadcasting Corporation

Building public value

Review of the BBC’s Royal Charter The BBC’s response to the DCMS consultation

Programmi, politiche e rapporti  -  Governance of the BBC

BBC - the criteria for public services

Communications Act 2003   -  Documenti sul Communication Act 2003

Freedom of Information Act 2000  -  Annual Reports and Reviews

National Broadcasting Councils

Televisione digitale  ( A Guide to Digital Television and Digital Switchover )

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